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Devotions by Barb -- December 29, 2022

Devotions by Barb -- December 29, 2022

Barb ovalIn this space, I am sharing devotions written by our dear Barbara Meade.

Barbara grew up a Quaker and is a regular attendee at Spiceland Friends Church. Her faith and Quaker roots go deep as her uncle was a Quaker pastor, evangelist, and artist. Barb's writings about her many life experiences reveal her faith in Christ and highlight the memories of a great family, her years in the banking industry, and her time as a local small business owner. Barb's desire is to serve those around her through her encouraging devotionals and writings from her life. Barb has recognized that our relationship with Christ grows throughout our lives, both in good times and through life's challenges.

December 7, 2022
The Quilt
Many years ago, I bought a box of linens at a public auction. When going through it, I came across a quilt top, not an ordinary top, I knew I was holding a treasure. It was beautifully assembled and had over 400 names hand embroidered on it. By the fabric and its aging I judged it to be from the 40s or early 50s. This represented a church or whole community.
I knew someday I had to find its home. Time is slipping away, and at my age, I knew I’d better do it now.
So with a little detective work & a lot of phone calls, I got a lead. It was a funeral director of a town in southern Indiana. He asked me to read a few names, and I heard the excitement in his voice as he knew those names. Praise the Lord; I had found its home.
My daughter Donna suggested we hand deliver it. So glad we did, as I would have missed the joy on his face when he read the names. I could only imagine the joy these families would feel. Joy is such a blessing.
I left feeling full of joy myself. The quilt was home!

Psalm 10:11 You made known the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness in joy: at your right hand are pleasures forever.


December 14, 2022
Children and Christmas
As Christians, we know the meaning of Christmas, the gift of God’s son. Unfortunately, so many don’t, especially our children. It’s all about the decorations and stuff they want. Now we can’t blame the children; it goes back to the adults. God bless those that teach the real meaning, and he does.
Let’s put God back in Christmas & as Harris Falkner said in her new book, “don’t treat God like Santa Claus.“
Psalm 136:2 “Give thanks to God in heaven. His love endures forever.”
John 3:16 For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
In the old testament of Isaiah, long before Christ was born, we were told of his coming. Chapter 9 verse 6: For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders, his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The almighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. That was fulfilled when Christ was born.


December 21, 2022
Little Things Mean a Lot
Oh my, how true this is. That pat on the back, that hug. Regardless of the relationship, it is a smile to a friend or a tender moment between you and the love of your life. It’s the little things that get us through the day.
As a florist for many years, I can tell you that a single rose can mean as much, maybe even more than a dozen roses. It’s what is in your heart that you are giving. Enjoy the little things in life; one day, you’ll realize they were the big things.
We ask, is God concerned about those little things? Yes he is concerned. He tells us in Luke 12:6-7 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?” And not one of them is forgotten by God. Even the hairs on your head are numbered”. God cared about all things because he loves us. We must show our love for others through our actions of those “little things.”


December 28, 2022
The Ten Commandments
This week I had my great-grandson, now six and in the first grade. He is enjoying learning to read. So, I thought I’d take him back in time. I got out my Dad’s first, second, and third grade readers; all taught in the Lewisville school dated 1918. Oh my, what an awakening I had! The third-grade reader was full of poetry by Emerson Stevenson, a beautiful child’s prayer by H. Bentham-Edwards, and even the story of David and Goliath. We say we have progressed; I’m sure we have in technology, science, and the like. When it comes to morals and values, the devil has been mighty busy. These children were taught to be smart, good people.
The one thing I remember most of my Dad’s advice as a young gal is, he said, “Barb, just live the Ten Commandments & you’ll be just fine.” I hear little talk about them today; how many of our children know about them? Well, I can even ask, how many adults know them?
As Christians, we must never let them be tossed aside. They are our gate into heaven. They must be burnt into our souls, just like they come to Moses in that burning bush.
Give your children the gift of the Commandments, and as my Dad said, “they’ll be just fine.” These laws were given to Moses before Jesus was born.
Matthew 19:16 Jesus was asked what must be done to inherit life. His answer “If you want to enter into life, keep the Commandments.
Proverbs 3:1 My son. Do not forget my teaching, But let your heart keep my commandments.


Eric Bowman ovalEric is our associate pastor, working with outreach and youth ministry as well as adult discipleship and growth. Eric retired from a 28-year career in public education as a high school band director in 2019 and is now living his lifelong dream as a pastor. Eric and his wife, Diana, continue to live in Henry County where they have been lifetime residents. They "raised" three children and are now making their best attempt at "raising" themselves.

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