What do YOU believe about salvation?
In our series of “Early Quaker Beliefs'' we have discussed God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Scripture, and fallen man’s state of need. If you haven’t caught these topics, you can see the articles in previous newsletters or on our website at spicelandfriends.org. The topic this month is what we believe about salvation. Below is the statement from “Faith and Practice” as well as a simple explanation.
Belief Statement from Faith and Practice about our Salvation
“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (KJV)
We believe that salvation is God’s free grace, through which, upon repentance and faith, He pardons our sins, and imparts to us new life. It is received, not for any works of righteousness that we have done, but in the unmerited mercy of God in Christ Jesus. Through faith in Him, and the shedding of His precious blood, the guilt of sin is taken away, and we stand reconciled to God in a restored personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Summary of Belief Statement
We often forget that God asks us to have “childlike” faith. Our eternal salvation is a very simple process that we often make complicated. We believe that God’s creation, His Word, and even human history each provide enough evidence that God exists and that his son Jesus Christ is who He says He is. God offers each of us his free gift of salvation. We accept this free gift by believing in Him. This (belief) means believing in His grace, his mercy, and his way, not just that He existed. The Bible teaches that our salvation also includes a repentant heart. That is acknowledging that we are sinners, confessing our sins before God, changing our mindset, and walking a path pleasing to God as His Word, and His Holy Spirit guides our heart and mind. Although our faith is between us and God, the Bible also calls us to share our new walk with others both in word and service. This is how God is enabled to love the world through us. Recognize your need, believe His way is the TRUTH, confess that you are a sinner to God, and walk in His Way. If you ever have questions or need to discuss your salvation with someone, please reach out to a mature Christian friend who can help guide you and answer your questions.
Eric is our associate pastor, working with outreach and youth ministry as well as adult discipleship and growth. Eric retired from a 28-year career in public education as a high school band director in 2019 and is now living his lifelong dream as a pastor. Eric and his wife, Diana, continue to live in Henry County where they have been lifetime residents. They "raised" three children and are now making their best attempt at "raising" themselves.