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Rejoice in the Lord Always!

Rejoice in the Lord Always!

We have been studying the book of Philippians the last couple of months on Sunday mornings. This month we will conclude that study as we consider the last chapter. We started this year with this study because Philippians is a book about Joy. As we began 2021, we all thought we needed some joy in our lives since 2020 had been a year filled with setbacks, lockdowns, political turmoil, and racial demonstrations.

Our theme for this month is “Rejoice in the Lord Always,” and it is taken from Philippians 4:4. Note that in this verse Paul says to rejoice twice in the same verse. He also says to rejoice in chapter 3, verse 1. For him to repeat this statement over and over, it must have been an important principle that he wanted us to apply to our lives as we grow in Christ.

Paul is not suggesting that we attend a seminar on positive thinking or that we force ourselves to think positive thoughts. He is suggesting that we can rejoice in all things because our lives are grounded in Christ and he is dwelling inside of us. It is because of the work that Jesus has done in our lives that enables us to rejoice in all circumstances. It is our deeply held conviction that Jesus is in charge and that he is strengthening us. He will be present in our lives no matter what.

One of the ways that followers of Christ learn to rejoice always is by being in a community of believers who encourage each other. Scripture admonishes us to gather together to worship God and to encourage one another on a regular basis.

Our goal as we gather to worship in these weeks leading up to Easter Sunday on April 4th is to have everyone come back to in-person worship services. Many people have received their second vaccination, and we continue to practice recommended safe habits (masks, social distancing, hand sanitizer, etc.). We will all be enriched by seeing each other in person and being able to laugh together, pray together, and celebrate God’s grace in our lives together. We will continue to broadcast our services via Facebook Live for people who are out of town or unable to attend for other reasons, but we want to have a big Easter celebration with most of our congregation attending in person. Pick a couple of Sundays between now and Easter to come in person and check it out and then plan to be present on Easter Sunday at our Early Service (8:00 AM) and/or at our Easter Celebration Worship at 10:30. Let’s come together and rejoice in what the Lord has done in our lives and in our community.

David Brock


david brock ovalDavid loves being with people and greatly enjoys serving as pastor of Spiceland Friends Church. He and his wife, Linda, enjoy spending time with their three grown children and their grandchildren. David is also a full-time attorney. David likes to say that his job description is simple - it is like a pizza delivery person - deliver a hot, fresh sermon each week in LESS THAN 20 MINUTES! Actually, he does a few more things at the church, but his focus on the pastoral team is preparing a Sunday morning message that makes the scripture relevant and applicable to our lives.

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